Reservation Policy

Some important information concerning your dining experience at Bistro Aamara.

• An increase in the number of diners may not be accommodated. Kindly inform us prior to arrival should there be any changes to the reservation.
• The restaurant’s continued viability relies on reservations being honoured by our guests and adequate notice being given of any changes or cancellations.
• Groups of 4 or more guests must make a booking in advance.
• 100% advance deposit required up to 24 hours in advance for bookings of 4 or more per person. This will be nonrefundable in case of cancellation.
• We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee for any booking that is cancelled, or if numbers are reduced without prior notice.
• The cancellation fee reflects the cost incurred by Bistro Aamara in terms of staffing, food, and any lost revenue as a result of turning away other bookings.
• Bookings secured by an advance deposit will be held for 1 hour after the booking time if nobody shows it will be released with no refund.

Payment Information:

• A payment link will be shared via Email or other means of communication, upon successful payment a confirmation message will be received.
• All standard methods of payments are accepted.

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